What is StoryBranding & Why Do You Need it?

Typewriter with paper that has "Your Brand Story" typed on it.

Gone are the days of being the customer’s hero. They aren’t looking for a hero because they have already found one in themselves.

You may be thinking, how will they buy my product if they don’t see that I’m the hero that found them a solution to their problem? It’s simple – it’s not about you. It’s about them. They want to be the hero of their own story.

Very Peri in Marketing & Branding

Pantone color book spread open displaying a rainbow of colors.

Pantone’s 2022 Color of the Year is Very Peri – a bright and playful blue/purple hue. I honestly couldn’t be happier about this! Periwinkle is a color that is not over used in most things we see, including branding. Let’s look at what makes it such a great color in general and a good choice for branding.